Caring And Committed Legal Counsel

Why is alimony denied if the Pennsylvania marriage was short?

On Behalf of | Oct 29, 2024 | Divorce |

For some couples, one spouse can expect to receive spousal maintenance payments from their partner following a divorce. These spousal support payments are supposed to help the receiving spouse keep up with the way of life they got used to during the marriage. 

While Pennsylvania courts recognize the importance of alimony in some divorce cases, they are less likely to grant it when the marriage was short. This is because alimony aims to address financial dependence that develops over time, and a brief marriage typically doesn’t create the same level of economic interdependence as longer unions.

Legal standards for alimony in the Keystone State

State courts follow specific guidelines when determining whether to award alimony. The state relies on a multi-factor test under Section 3701 of the Pennsylvania Divorce Code. Some of the key factors include:

  • How long the couple was married
  • How each spouse contributed financially to the household
  • The earning capacity and education of both spouses

When marriages are short, usually lasting less than five years, courts are less inclined to grant alimony because the couple has had less time to build financial reliance on each other. Unlike long-term marriages, where one spouse might sacrifice their career or education for the benefit of the relationship, brief marriages rarely generate such dynamics.

The rehabilitation purpose of alimony

Another key reason for denying alimony after short marriages is that alimony in Pennsylvania is often seen as rehabilitative. The purpose is to temporarily support the dependent spouse while gaining the skills, education or employment needed to become financially independent. If a marriage was brief, the likelihood that one spouse needs rehabilitation is low, as they likely maintained their career or education during the marriage. 

Exploring the factors that dictate spousal support decisions can help divorcing couples manage their expectations and explore other financial solutions. Couples who are navigating a divorce in Pennsylvania can benefit from enlisting caring and committed legal support to gain insights into their specific situation and help them determine the best course of action.