Custody orders in Pennsylvania are legally binding. This means that parents must follow them, regardless of whether or not they agree with the terms. However, custody orders are not set in stone. They can be modified in certain circumstances. The deciding factor in...
Caring And Committed Legal Counsel
Family Law
How does an incentive trust work?
A trust can be included in your estate plan to protect your assets. With the right trust, your assets can also avoid probate, disputes, taxes and other challenges. However, there are many different kinds of trusts you can draft. One such type of trust you may wish to...
Has your ex stopped you from seeing the kids?
One of your main concerns during divorce was how often you would see the kids. You and your ex came to an agreement, and this was signed off on by the court. A custody order is a legally binding agreement that generally provides visitation rights to the noncustodial...
Child support and denied parenting time: A frustrating situation
Many parents in the Keystone State find themselves in a difficult situation. Having to fulfill court-ordered child support payments despite limited or no parenting time with their children. This can be emotionally and financially draining. Some may even wonder if...
Who can claim the child tax credit in divorce?
Federal income taxes are filed differently after divorce. If this is your first year filing as a divorced parent, you may be wondering whether you can claim the child tax credit. Below is some important information to consider when filing your income tax return. The...
3 ways to make co-parenting easier
Going through a divorce when you have children means you have to put their needs first. In some cases, this means following the co-parenting model. You and your ex will have to work closely together to raise the children if you choose this option. While this is what’s...
Will the Pennsylvania courts give one parent sole custody?
Parents with minor children who decide to divorce or separate often worry about how the change in their romantic relationship might affect their rights as a parent. Many people worry about not seeing their children enough or losing contact with them entirely if they...
Is visitation connected to child support?
Can you cut off your co-parent’s visitation with your child if they won’t pay child support? This is a common question from a lot of custodial parents who are dealing with the frustration of a co-parent who can pay the support they owe but won’t. There are a lot of...
Factors to consider when negotiating custody
You and your spouse are going your separate ways. Ultimately, this is the best decision for everyone involved. During your divorce, there will be many aspects to settle, none of which are more important than your child custody arrangements. Generally, the courts...
3 tips you can use for better custody agreements
When it comes to child custody, there is no question that both parents may feel strongly about what they want. However, to come to an agreement and avoid the courtroom, there are a few tips that can help. After all, taking time to consider what’s best for your...