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Is January the most popular month to divorce?

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2024 | Divorce |

You might have heard people saying January is the most popular month to divorce. It is a commonly touted theory and not without reason.

Many people who realize they want a divorce decide to wait until Thanksgiving and Christmas are over before acting to avoid spoiling the family festivities.

In other cases, it’s the festivities themselves that lead people to realize they need to end their marriage. Arguments due to the seasonal pressures and increased amounts of time spent together without the usual escape to their jobs can act as the final straw. 

It’s March that sees the highest number of filings

Once someone decides to divorce, it can take time to move on it. So even though January sees an unusually high number of people intent on divorce, March sees the highest number of filings. People will spend January and February preparing to file that paperwork. 

You could, of course, go and file for a divorce as soon as it crosses your mind, but generally, it is better to wait a little. Preparation will help it go more smoothly. Examples could include:

  • Telling your spouse it’s over
  • Talking with friends or family so they are prepared to support you
  • Lining up somewhere to stay if needed
  • Assessing your financial situation to make sure you can afford to proceed

There are also financial implications as to when you file, and some people may find it beneficial to hold off for tax reasons or to wait until their spouse’s annual bonus has come in so that they don’t miss out on a share of it.

It’s never too early to start finding out more about divorce. Appropriate guidance can help you determine the best time to file to end your marriage.